Hosted by Australian vocalist,music producer Eluv. Featuring exotic world music and ”Wisdom Interviews” with spiritual teachers, visionary artists, healers,authors,and other inspirational individuals.

Friday Oct 14, 2022
Eluv Interview with Dr Masaru Emoto
Friday Oct 14, 2022
Friday Oct 14, 2022
I interviewed Dr Masaru Emoto in 2006 during his trip to Tampa, FL. Masaru Emoto, (July 22, 1943 – October 17, 2014) was a Japanese businessman, author and scientist who claimed that human consciousness could affect the molecular structure of water. His 2004 book The Hidden Messages in Water was a New York Times best seller. His conjecture evolved over the years, and his early work revolved around scientific hypotheses that water could react to positive thoughts and words and that polluted water could be cleaned through prayer and positive visualization.
From 1999, Emoto published several volumes of a work entitled Messages from Water, containing photographs of ice crystals and accompanying experiments such as that of the ‘rice in water’ 30 day experiment. His work was also featured in the popular film 'What the Bleep Do We Know'.
His books, groundbreaking research and photos of water crystal responding to human thoughts and intentions, fascinated me prior to meeting him. I found his work to be so profound and was fortunate to spend time with him over a few days during his visit to Florida and recorded this interview. When we met “The Hidden Messages in Water” book had only been out for a couple of years. His body of work shows an example of how our thoughts and words influence our vibrational state and the state of that which is around us.

Tuesday May 18, 2021
Eluv Interview with Ariel Garten Co-Founder of the Muse - Meditation Tool
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
In this interview I chatted with Ariel Garten, who is a neuroscientist, innovator, and entrepreneur. Ariel's driving purpose is to empower and help others overcome mental obstacles in order to live healthy, happy lives and reach their maximum potential. We spoke about the unique benefits and effects of meditation on the mind, the brain and overall well being.
Garten is co-founder of InteraXon, the makers of Muse: the brain sensing headband. Muse is the award-winning wearable technology that assists and trains meditation and mindfulness.
Before founding InteraXon, Ariel was not only trained as a neuroscientist and psychotherapist, but also started her own international clothing line while she worked in labs researching Parkinson’s disease and hippocampal neurogenesis.
Her creativity and entrepreneurial head combined with her fascination with the brain lead her to join forces with two like minded friends Chris and Trevor to start InteraXon. Together they founded a Silicon Valley backed startup that allowed people to control computers with their minds, the technology that sparked the creation of Muse. Her team’s technology has been featured in over 1000 media pieces, as well as was the feature showcase at the
Vancouver 2010 Olympics, an installation that allowed over 7,000 people control the lights on the CN tower, Canadian parliament buildings, and Niagara Falls with their brains from across the country.
These days, Ariel can be found at home playing with her 2 year old or on stage across the world speaking about happiness, meditation, understanding mental health, or telling her own innovation story, consistently giving her audiences the tools they need to help them become their best selves.
Used by Neuroscience Researchers Around the World
EEG (electroencephalogram) technology has been a valuable tool for studying brain function and cognitive processes, and has been used to help diagnose and monitor neurological conditions and disorders. Yet, accessing this tool has often required a visit to a doctor's office or research institution.
With Muse's brain sensing headbands, you can now harness the power of EEG technology from the comfort of your own home. The device features dry sensor technology and advanced digital signal processing that makes it easier than ever to track your brain activity and gain insights into your overall mental states.
7 Advanced Sensors That Track Your Brain & Body
Muse passively measures brain signals, much like a heart rate monitor senses your heartbeat, and serves as a research-grade brain fitness tool.
Its 7 finely calibrated EEG sensors - 2 on the forehead, 2 behind the ears, and 3 reference sensors - detect and measure the activity of your brain. Its PPG sensor measures your heart rate, while an accelerometer and gyroscope measure your breath rhythm and body movement.
Muse has been tested and certified in accordance with Canadian, US, and European regulatory standards (FCC, UL, CE).
A Sleep Lab at Home
Sleep experts know the gold standard of sleep tracking is through polysomnography found in traditional sleep clinics. These tests use electrodes that measure brain waves, eye movements, muscle activity, heart rate, breathing, and oxygen levels.
We used sleep lab data to benchmark the accuracy of our brain tracking algorithms to give you precision and insight, all from the comfort of your own home.
Plus, the Muse app provides easy-to-understand graphs, helping you become the expert in interpreting your results.
EEG Neurofeedback During Focused Attention Meditation: Effects on State Mindfulness and Meditation Experiences
Eluv: eluvmusic.com

Tuesday May 18, 2021
Eluv Interview with Dr June Leslie Wieder
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
For our theme of 'Mental Health' month, I chatted with Dr June Leslie Wieder Author of “Song of the Spine” & “The Human Symphony” for an Interview on the mind-body connection of sound and her studies with the spine in relation to sound and wellness.
Dr. Wieder has extensively studied the relationships between sound, movement, and form, and how they relate to health and healing. A classically trained pianist, she is now studying the cello. She has been a practitioner in the health field for more than 30 years. After earning a B.Sc. in Psychology from Brooklyn College, she worked in the mental health field. She is a graduate of the Swedish Institute of Massage, and has taught medical massage in California. In addition to her studies of various forms of bodywork, she was trained in the Trager Approach® personally by Milton Trager and has been a practitioner since 1986.She obtained her Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Life Chiropractic College West, and has practiced in New York and California. She maintains a popular website on structural therapy.
As a result of 8 years of clinical study, Dr. Wieder revealed that each bone of the spine has its own tone and frequency, and her discovery is leading the way for this new path of vibrational healing called bone toning. After studying extensively the relationships between sound, movement, and form, and how they relate to healing, Dr. Wieder developed the BoneToner TM, a handheld device which generates the frequencies that correspond with each vertebrae.
That question led Dr. Wieder into research on the resonance of the spine. Her studies reveal that each bone of the spine has its own tone and frequency, and that applying specific vibrational frequencies directly to the vertebrae generates a sympathetic response that activates the embedded harmonics that help maintain healthy functioning.
Dr June Wieder:

Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Eluv Ultrasounds Interview with Happy Buddha Hemp CBD
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
I interviewed Founders Kate Povondra & DJ Petz from the Happy Buddha Hemp Company in Colorado about CBD. They grow and produce the “fullest, full-spectrum CBD.” Spagyric CBD products.
Kate discovered CBD through DJ when she severely injured her back in a fall. Once very active, she was faced with crippling pain and a drastic change in her lifestyle. She was doing everything she could to find relief but what she found was fleeting- until she found CBD through DJ. As a massage therapist of 14 years, she became fascinated with what she was experiencing so she did extensive research to see what was causing these results and began using it on her massage clients to see how CBD can work with the body and help people. Once she started using it on others, she really understood what an amazing, beneficial compound CBD was.
DJ had known about CBD for a long time, he had been growing cannabis for 10 years and moved out to the North Fork Valley of Colorado to learn how to refine his technique and how to grow plants without using any harmful or toxic chemicals, which is still the norm for most cannabis. He quickly learned that great hemp starts with great soil & by using natural methods, you don’t have to sacrifice the yield of the plant to keep the quality high.
The pair started to formulate products that kept true to their values as individuals and that would help people have access to pure, clean, cost-effective CBD products. What started as a grassroots company 4 years before hemp was federally legalized, gained a popular following in Colorado. In Dec 2018 when the Farm Bill federally legalized hemp, Kate & DJ brought their company nationwide and found an overwhelmingly positive response. Through the years, they have grown a husband & wife company to a team of 5 managing partners, 44 employees and nationwide recognition of authorities in the CBD Industry. Their vales are at the core of the company and they have refused to sacrifice them for profits.
They developed a unique extraction and processing method based on these ancient techniques in partnership with a biochemist. Their goal was to create a final product that provided maximum impact and potency, and this started with a study of how CBD interacts with the body and what variations in content and delivery meant for the end user.
These interactions are powered by the body’s endocannabinoid system, a network of nerves and chemical receptors present in almost every bodily system that interact with the chemical compounds in the hemp plant. Though cannabidiol activates the largest portion of these receptors, it does not interact with all of them. Different receptors in this system are designed to achieve optimal activation with different chemical compounds, and so the inevitable conclusion is that, in order to achieve maximum impact, cannabidiol alone is not enough.
This is the “entourage effect”. It means that the compounds in CBD are most effective when taken all at once and allowed to work together within the body by maximizing activation of all parts of the endocannabinoid system. A huge focus in CBD research right now is in mapping out exactly how these interactions support each other and change the behavior of compounds inside the body and what combinations of compounds are most effective at producing certain results for health and wellness.
This is the reason to always be wary of CBD that is advertised as isolate or “pure”. Though this may sound like a good thing, what it actually means is that you’re only getting a fraction or even only 1 of the over 100 compounds from the hemp plant that can interact with the endocannabinoid system. This means that you will only experience a fraction of the effects.
Once they confirmed this, the question became how could they get as many of these compounds into our extractions as possible for maximum potency and impact. Many companies refer to this as “full-spectrum,” but analysis shows that many products that are described as such, don’t actually contain anything close to the actual full-spectrum of active hemp compounds. Kate and DJ needed to go further, they needed the “fullest, full-spectrum CBD.” That’s when they began developing their modern Spagyric CBD extraction method and their tests quickly showed that they were on the right track.
Kate & DJ offered this special gift for Ultrasounds Radio Show listeners...
30% off Discount code for any products!
Use this code at Checkout at link below: ultra30 (lower case)

Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Eluv Interview with Patrick Klemawesch
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
In this Interview Patrick takes us on a musical journey of African Songs played on his Kora. We chat about African music, traditions, his passion for the Kora and the stories behind each song he plays.
Patrick is a multi-instrumentalist who has played for bands from a wide range of styles including afro-Brazilian, hip-hop, pagode, samba, and reggae, including local genre-bending favorites The Hip Abduction and Danfield. Designer and builder of acoustic and electric African harps. including the kora, kamalengoni, and nyatiti.
Harvard and Mayo Clinic educated physician in private practice in Allergy and Immunology. Lifelong waterman, surfer and paddleboard racer. 10 time competitor representing FL in the Paddleboard World Championship.

Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Eluv Interview with Astrologer Laura Barat
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Laura Barat specializes in Vedic astrology along with Western Astrology. In this interview we spoke about various aspects of both formats of astrology, including Vedic remedials, which are ancient techniques that can be employed to placate the planets to improve the quality of one’s life and understanding.
Laura has many articles and videos on her website and Youtube channel where you can learn about Vedic astrology in all areas including: medical, health and nutrition, astrology of character, occult astrology, predicting events, optimal career paths, relationship compatibility and more.
You can visit her website for more information on the various types of readings she offers, and connect via her other platforms.
Please note there is some audio static from the phone connection at the beginning of the interview, which clears up after a bit.

Friday Apr 26, 2019
Friday Apr 26, 2019
My guest Sharry Edwards is the pioneer in the study of Human BioAcoustic Biology, and Vocal Profiling. Her 30 years of research is being used at the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology and Sound Health in Albany, OH. This non-profit research institute has provided supporting evidence for the ancient claims that the sounds of the voice can act as a holographic representation of health and wellness.
Named Scientist of the Year in 2001 for her work in BioAcoustic Biology by The International Association of New Science...Sharry's work is included in the prestigious Duke University Encyclopedia of New Medicine by Leonard A. Wisnecki and The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine, by Lucy Anderson.
She has for many years provided the leading-edge research to show the frequencies of the voice can be used to create a holographic representation of health and wellness. Her research has caught the attention of even large pharmaceutical houses, government agencies, alternative health providers and those who wish to create a better future. Recently AT&T declared that bioacoustics is the “medicine of the future”. Imagine a future in which your own voice keeps you emotionally balanced and biologically healthy.
Sharry's website:

Friday Nov 02, 2018
Eluv Interview with Dan Knaub ~ Cetacean Society International Director
Friday Nov 02, 2018
Friday Nov 02, 2018
In this interview, Dan shared lots of facts, wisdom and interesting stories about whales. He also explained the whale adoption program.
Dan is the President of The Whale Video Company "Where Whales Become Friends", Founder of the Whale & Marine Life Video Archive, Cetacean Society International Director and Google Ocean Contributor
His first experience with whales was in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in 1969. While on a US Navy ship (USS Bainbridge DLGN-25) east of Hawaii, Dan spotted a pod of dolphins surfing near the bow. This first amazing view of cetaceans effortlessly playing on the bow of a ship moving at 25-30 knots was a wonderful event to be part of a 19-year-olds life. On another cruise near Guam, a pod of whales appeared about 1/2 mile from the boat. No one on board knew what species they were seeing. His interest in whale watching began anew in the mid-80’s and the whales themselves ignited a passion to learn more and a desire to protect them from harm.
After 25 years of filming and review of 8,000 hours of videotape, Dan is able to share images of the most astounding animals ever born, on land or in the water. Humpback whales have unique personalities and are very curious. It is this last personality trait that endears them to so many new people each year. Dan has spent more time on the water videotaping the daily lives of whales than any company in the world; more than National Geographic, Discovery Channel and Animal Planet combined!
He and his team have documented sightings on 17,096 whale watching trips (68,000 hours on the water and 300,000 nautical miles covered.) The end result is a video archive totaling 8,000 hours of footage of dozens of species of whales and marine life, eighty percent covering individually identified humpback whales with names.
These special humpback whales are the subjects of several whale adoption programs in the US and UK.
The Cetacean Society International (CSI) whale adoption program is unique because you actually get to meet your adopted whale on a special and unbelievable DVD included with your adoption package. Many include one or more members of its family tree, special or rare behaviors and the sights and sounds of being on the water with the whale you select. You witness your favorite whale feeding, breaching, flippering and showing an interest in boats, up close and personal.
Dan produces DVDs of every adoptable humpback whale. Each DVD introduces the adopted whale, family members and the common behaviors that make humpback whales the favorite of whale watchers. Many will contain a unique behavior or unforgettable encounter.
#whales #conservation #savethewhales #cetaceansociety #eluv #danknaub
Learn more about Dan & adopting a whale http://www.whaleswithnames.com/

Wednesday Sep 12, 2018
Eluv Interview with CT Holman - Chinese Shamanic Drumming
Wednesday Sep 12, 2018
Wednesday Sep 12, 2018

CT Holman practices Chinese medicine and specializes in the treatment of emotional trauma. He authored the textbook Treating Emotional Trauma with Chinese Medicine. He operates a full-time general family practice in Salem, Oregon and is the Director of Development for the Lotus Institute.
CT has taught courses in Sweden, Germany, Mexico, Denmark and the US. CT also has appeared on many podcasts, summits, and webinars.
In addition to using acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, CT integrates ancient Chinese shamanic medicine into his practice, utilizing shamanic qigong and drumming to promote healing. To bring this style of healing to the public, he recorded and produced a cd titled Resonating Vitality-Chinese Medicine Drum Treatments.

Friday Sep 07, 2018
Eluv Interview with Miten (Deva Premal and Miten)
Friday Sep 07, 2018
Friday Sep 07, 2018
In this Interview with Miten together we speak about his life, Deva, recent open heart surgery, mantra and more:)
Miten: Finding His Soul
To the outside observer, British native Miten (then known as Andy Desmond) had it all: a wife, a child, and a successful career as a working musician – touring with, opening for, and being featured as a guest musician for bands like Fleetwood Mac, Fairport Convention, Hall and Oates, Randy Newman, and Ry Cooder, at stadiums worldwide. The sex, drugs, and rock & roll lifestyle, however, came with a hollowness and profound distortion that ate at Miten’s soul. At the end of the day, music seemed to be nothing more than a sales commodity, with musicians serving as industry pawns who generated cash for company executives, at the expense of true self-expression and art. After spinning through this world for years, feeling increasingly alienated from himself, his family, and life itself, Miten hit a spiritual crisis and underwent a breakdown, where the only way he knew how to save himself was to get up and walk out, on everything and everyone he knew.
At the time a 29-year-old, Miten had just read No Water No Moon, a book of discourses by Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho) on Zen parables. One story in particular was life-altering to Miten: On a full-moon night, Chiyono, a nun, was carrying a bucket of water from the well. Just as she was noticing the moon’s reflection in the water, the bucket broke. At that moment she looked up at the moon and became enlightened – realizing she had spent her whole life focused on the reflection of “the real thing,” instead of on the real thing itself. Miten then understood that while music in general, and his music in particular, had something deep within it, the commercial approach of the music industry was just a reflection of the real thing. It was as if music were the key to something greater – a profound inner peace and sense of connection with the infinite – but he had been busy polishing the key, instead of opening the door with it.
Eager to learn more and embrace a whole-being transformation, Miten promptly left England and found himself in an ashram in India, where he released all worldly possessions, as well as his identity as a musician, and joined Osho’s sangha (spiritual family). Living a simple and humble life while studying with Osho, doing work like chopping vegetables in the kitchen, Miten found the courage, and the perfect environment, to face his inner demons and become who he truly was on the soul level, instead of keeping up the image of the person he always had thought he should be. Feeling a deep sense of inner strength, for the first time ever, Miten eventually revisited his musical roots, but from a different place: one of spirituality and devotion, where he served as a channel for the ashram community, offering up original songs that celebrated Osho’s teachings.
It was in this capacity that Miten, then 40, met German expat Deva Premal, 20, who at the time was a bodywork practitioner at Osho’s ashram – practicing Shiatsu, Craniosacral therapy, and Reflexology. The daughter of two artists who practiced Indian spiritual teachings, Deva had grown up with music and mantras. Prior to meeting Miten, however, she had not embraced either as part of her own path.

Thursday Aug 09, 2018
Eluv Interview with Dr WU DHI-Opening the Heart & Protection
Thursday Aug 09, 2018
Thursday Aug 09, 2018
In this interview, Dr Wu Dhi and I discussed opening the heart in relation to Chinese medicine, medical Qi Gong, and the body, mind and spirit, along with identifying several causes of invasive energy.
Wu Dhi was born Sherwood Swartz but mostly known as "Woody" to friends and family. As a student of various traditions, he received various names and titles over the years as is appropriate in those schools. Among these names was Wu Di, very similar to the pronunciation of Woody, in China, the name means "has no enemies". Wu Di was later renamed by a Tibetan Lama to Wu Dhi with an "h". Although this may not seem like that much of a change from Wu Di or even Woody for that matter, it is, in fact, a high honor to receive such a name directly from a Lama. Dhi, in this case, is the Sanskrit seed syllable "Dhi" and associated with the great wisdom holder Manjurshri.
Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advanced studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R.China.
As a part of his comprehensive training, he worked in the immunology department at South Shore Hospital in Miami Beach Florida. He has a degree in Oriental Medicine and is also State licensed and nationally board certified as an Acupuncture Physician.
In China, Dr. Wu Dhi was afforded the privilege of studying under many of today’s living masters of Chinese Medicine. He has extensive experience working and training in the medical, spiritual and martial Qi Gong disciplines (Chinese Energetic Medicine). He is presently completing his doctoral degree in Medical Qi Gong, under the direction of Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson, one of the few internationally recognized non-Chinese Grand Masters of Medical Qi Gong therapies.
Dr. Wu Dhi has been practicing and teaching an integration of Ancient Eastern and Modern Western healing practices for the greater portion of his professional career. Through seminars, public speaking, and direct practice, he continues to inspire and guide professional health practitioners in the United States and abroad who are just now realizing the value of utilizing Traditional Chinese and Alternative Therapies.

Monday May 14, 2018
Eluv Interview with Diane Mandle-Tibetan Singing Bowl Sound Healing
Monday May 14, 2018
Monday May 14, 2018
In this interview, Diáne and I discuss Tibetan Singing Bowl Sound Healing and various aspects of sound as a healing modality.
Diáne Mandle is of American and French descent and is an internationally known author, recording artist with Sounds True, Tibetan bowl practitioner, and educator, and the only state-certified practitioner/instructor in California. Diáne has given over 250 educational concert programs in 32 states as well as in India, Costa Rica, Mexico and St. Croix. She has been a frequent guest presenter at the Museum of Making Music, California State University San Marcos, The Golden Door, The Deepak Chopra Center, Rancho la Puerta, and KPBS. She is a featured expert in the upcoming video series: Tao—Living in Balance along with healers such as Dr. Wayne Dyer and John Gray.
Diáne maintains a private sound healing practice in southern California where she also owns and operates the Tibetan Bowl Sound Healing School. She was part of the integrative therapy team at the San Diego Cancer Center and developed a successful sound healing program for incarcerated veterans with PTSD.
Diáne Mandle - http://www.soundenergyhealing.com
Eluv - http://www.eluvmusic.com

Monday May 14, 2018
Monday May 14, 2018
In this interview, CT and I discuss treating all types of trauma with Chinese medicine. There is hope for those suffering from trauma, who are looking for safe non-drug alternatives. He treats patients all over the world via Skype or phone and is able to help people this way as well as through his practice.
CT was drawn to practicing and teaching Chinese Medicine from the philosophy of ancient Chinese concepts and the desire to help people. His interest in medicine and health began at a very early age and was guided by his grandmother in developing intuition and learning folk remedies.
He is a graduate of the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco (2000) and has extensive post-graduate education with teachers that include Lillian Bridges (facial diagnosis), Master Zhong Xian Wu (macrocosmic treatment theory/qigong), Dr Wei Chieh-Young (acupuncture and physiology), and Dr Wang Ju-Yi (channel palpation, acupuncture, and physiology). He also had several years of combined study with Brian LaForgia and Brandt Stickley (Shen-Hammer pulse diagnosis).
CT studied in China three times (1999, 2001, and 2003). He completed residency work at the Cheng Du TCM University Hospital training in the Internal Medicine, Pediatric, and Oncology Departments. CT also trained in a private acupuncture and herbal clinic in Cheng Du. He studied channel palpation and channel physiology with Dr. Wang Ju-Yi in Beijing.
He is a General Family Practitioner but has specialties in treating emotional trauma and PTSD. He teaches internationally about protocols he developed along with mentorship from his teachers and is currently writing a textbook about emotional trauma (scheduled to be available November 2017). CT is the Director of Development for Lotus Institute and mentors teaching assistants for the Master Face Reading Certification Program.
Before founding Redwood Spring, PC in 2001, CT operated a private practice in Flagstaff, Arizona and on the Hopi Native American Indian Reservation for one year.
CT has been playing drums for over 30 years and has been featured on several albums. He teaches shamanic drumming internationally and recently presented at the 2015 TCM Kongress in Rothenburg, Germany. CT treats patients with shamanic drumming while they receive acupuncture; achieving great results. The drumming he teaches is applicable in a clinical setting for patients receiving acupuncture or simply just receiving a five element treatment.
CT published two articles in the Journal of Chinese Medicine and was an editor for the award-winning textbook, “Applied Channel Theory in Chinese Medicine,” by Dr. Wang Ju-Yi and Jason Robertson. CT is an offsite supervisor for the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine.
CT has a shamanic drumming CD called “Resonating Vitality” Chinese Medicine Drum Treatments, and written a textbook; Treating Emotional Trauma with Chinese Medicine.
He also volunteers as a DJ hosting a live weekly music program on the Salem community radio station KMUZ.
CT: https://www.redwoodspring.com
Eluv: http://.www.eluvmusic.com

Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
Eluv Interview with Dr Mark Pirtle on Mindfulness
Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
Dr. Mark Pirtle is a pioneer in integral thinking in stress relief and recovery. He is a clinician, writer, public speaker, filmmaker, and true “innerpreneur.” He connects the dots between science, wellness, and spirituality. Pirtle tirelessly updates his understanding of the latest science to help others change and heal.
Combining the disciplines of living systems theory, neuroscience, positive psychology, and mindfulness meditation, he developed an evidence-based program for people suffering from stress-related conditions called SkillfullyAware ®.
Mark teaches meditation and mindfulness to empower his clients to work through stress-related patterns including depression, anxiety, addictions, chronic pain and more. He recently produced a full-length documentary film called, "Is Your Story Making You Sick?"
In this interview, Mark also takes us through a simple mindfulness exercise, demonstrating how easy it is.
Learn More about Dr Mark Pirtle here: https://www.skillfullyaware.com
Learn More about Eluv here:

Sunday Nov 12, 2017
Eluv Interview with Brian Caswell, DOM
Sunday Nov 12, 2017
Sunday Nov 12, 2017
In this episode, I spoke with Brian Caswell from the Art of Acupuncture in St Pete, Florida... Winner of 2016 & 2017 “Best Acupuncturist” in Creative Loafing’s Best of the Bay Awards. The lineage that he comes from is of Jeffrey Yuen, 88th generation Daoist priest of the Jade Purity School, Lao Tzu sect. He studied at Daoist Traditions in Asheville, NC which is a Classical Chinese medical school Classical Chinese medicine explains why points and channels in Traditional Chinese medicine work and where they come from. We discussed elements of Chinese medicine and healing the body, mind, and spirit.
Brian explains: "I strive to blend Eastern medicine and philosophy with Western science. What does “blending” mean? One of my teachers answers this question wonderfully. Master Jeffrey Yuen, an 88th generation Daoist priest, introduced me to the concept of the “three treasures.” In order to achieve optimal health for every individual, the body, mind, and spirit must find unity. Through copious training, regular research and study and individualized assessment, I apply this “three treasures” concept with all of my patients--and throughout all of my life.
Each patient is approached individually; no two patients will ever be treated or diagnosed the same. The uniqueness of our situation is the same as our fingerprints. Every person I meet with is special and continually evolving; your treatment should be the same! No situation is ever helpless. I thrive on treating conditions and diseases that other forms of medicine have given up on. I specialize in pain, depression, anxiety, mental-emotional conditions, weight loss, and autoimmune diseases. Have something different? I always welcome new challenges. "
Brian Online:
Eluv- http://www.eluvmusic.com

Sunday Nov 12, 2017
Eluv Interview with Anat Baniel, founder of the Anat Baniel Method®
Sunday Nov 12, 2017
Sunday Nov 12, 2017
In this episode, I spoke in depth with Anat Baniel, founder of the Anat Baniel Method®, about how the body can heal itself through specific movements. People suffering from various physical limitations are able to find relief with her method. I have tried it myself and must say her method really works. In this interview, Anat gives listeners the opportunity to do an exercise at home...try it and you'll experience her work first hand!
Anat is the author of two highly acclaimed books, Move Into Life: NeuroMovement® for Lifelong Vitality and Kids Beyond Limits. Anat was trained as a clinical psychologist, dancer, and was a close professional associate of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais for over a decade.
Anat Baniel was born in Israel to a scientist father, and a poet and garden architect mother. She went to graduate school at Tel Aviv University to become a clinical psychologist. At the same time she pursued her passion for dance. She worked as a psychologist for the Israeli Army for a number of years.
While in graduate school, she began studying with Dr. Feldenkrais. After graduating from his training program in 1977, she began working full time as a teacher in His Method. While still living in Israel, Anat began teaching the work in the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance; taught for Dr. Feldenkrais in his Tel Aviv Institute and in his professional training, and developed her own practice.
In 1982 Anat Baniel moved to New York City where she quickly developed a practice working with babies and young children; with musicians; with athletes and with adults suffering back pain, injury, etc. She also began teaching seminars and professional training programs worldwide.
In 1986 she founded her own training organization and has been involved in training over 1000 practitioners during her career. Between 1985 to 1989, she worked with the Tanglewood Music Center. She taught a program for the San Francisco Symphony musicians beginning in 1994 for over six years.
Anat Baniel website: http://www.anatbanielmethod.com
Eluv's website http://www.eluvmusic.com

Tuesday Apr 25, 2017
Eluv Interview with Sue Pike - The Animal Talker
Tuesday Apr 25, 2017
Tuesday Apr 25, 2017
Every Third Thursday of the month on Ultrasounds Radio Show on WMNF Tampa 88.5FM with Eluv special guest Sue Pike -The Animal Talker is featured on a special segment where she gives channeled messages from different animal realms for our highest good. Every month it's a different animal and these messages are always truly powerful!
Sue Pike is a Reiki Master, Animal Communicator, Spirit Channeler and Spiritual Teacher, living in Brooklyn, N.Y. She's a practicing Reiki Master in the Traditional Usui Method, and teaches Reiki Level 1 through Master Level. She may incorporate the use of crystals and other energy techniques into a Reiki session; as well as channeling messages for the client's highest good, upon request. Sue always brings lightheartedness and a sense of humor to her work.
Ultrasounds Radio Show is on every Thursday night 10pm-12am
(Sue goes on around 10.15pm)
Tune in online:

Monday Jul 20, 2015
Eluv Interview with Yogi Cameron
Monday Jul 20, 2015
Monday Jul 20, 2015
I spoke with Ayurvedic therapist and former fashion model,Yogi Cameron, about his practice and recommendations for a healthy, happy life.
Yogi Cameron has been featured in his own TV show "A Model Guru" on Z Living, and on various media outlets, including The Ellen DeGeneres Show, The Today Show, The Dr. Oz Show, E! Entertainment, to name a few. You may also know him from his starring role in Madonna's "Express Yourself" video. He is the author of The Guru in You and "The ONE Plan".
Yogi Cameron: http://www.yogicameron.com
Eluv: http://www.radiantsol.com